
Australian Baptist Education Inc. (ABE)

Provides IT, administration, maintenance and financial support to Baptist schools, higher education and early learning centres

Christian institutions with supportive world-class academics and accomplished industry professionals, who are passionate about excelling and growing

Download the ACHEA Course Guide

Providing up-to-date and reliable information about religious faith and church life in Australia

Higher Education Private Providers - Quality Network (HEPP-QN)

A range of independent higher education institutions who are passionate about investing in a collaborative national agenda for quality
The peak body representing independent higher education providers in Australia
A network of people, from students and lay people to distinguished academics, exploring the interface of science, technology, and Christian faith
Providing a leadership role in building and promoting the value of international education in Western Australia
An association of schools and colleges all dedicated to fair and ethical conduct and the provision of quality education

Sheridan graduates will be...

  • Lovers of Truth
  • Seekers of Wisdom
  • Innovative Thinkers
  • Effective Communicators
  • Independent Learners
  • Servant Leaders


TEQSA Provider ID: PRV14012
CRICOS Provider Number: 03391M
ABN: 22 506 508 071

Find us

Suite 18, 7 Aberdeen Street
Perth WA 6000

PO Box D178 Perth WA 6849